e-Savings Plus Key Product Information
This Key Product Information gives you information that is specific to the particular savings account you have with us. It forms part of the terms and conditions of your account and needs to be read together with the other documents that make up your agreement. If anything is inconsistent between those documents and this Key Product Information, this Key Product Information will apply.
- e-Savings Plus is a facility of Nationwide current accounts available for use through the Nationwide Internet Bank.
- The account must be opened and held in the same names as the Nationwide current account used to open it.
- 'Year' means one year from the date the account is opened to the end of the day preceding the anniversary day and the year starts again at the start of each anniversary day.
- The account can only be held by individuals over the age of 16.
- The account can have a maximum of two holders.
- The maximum deposit and balance in the account is £5 million.
- You may only open one e-Savings Plus.
- We will only communicate confidential information through the post or through secure browser based messages on the Nationwide Internet Banking site.
- The account cannot be operated by a Power of Attorney, and cannot be opened with a FlexAccount that is run by a Power of Attorney unless we have evidence of physical or mental incapacity.
- Nationwide's No Penalty Transfer Policy applies to this account. This means if we discontinue this account and introduce a new account that replaces it, we will write and let you know.
- Interest is calculated daily at the published rates, which have been applicable throughout the year and is paid annually at the end of the day before each anniversary of the account opening date.
- If you make 5 or fewer withdrawals, including closure, in a year you will receive interest at the higher rate for the whole of the year.
- If you make 6 or more withdrawals, including closure, in a year or close the account you will receive interest at the lower rate for the whole of the year or up to the date of closure respectively.
- Interest can only be added to the account balance.
Paying money in
- Deposits can only be made from a Nationwide current account held by at least one of the account holder(s). Transfers can only be made from the available balance in a Nationwide current account. Cheque, cash, Standing Order, CHAPS and overseas electronic payments deposits are not allowed directly into the account.
Taking money out
- The minimum withdrawal amount on the account is £1.
- Withdrawals can only be made to a Nationwide current account held by at least one of the account holder(s). All withdrawals must be carried out on the Internet Banking site.
- Cheque, cash, Standing Order, Direct Debit, CHAPS and overseas electronic payments withdrawals cannot be made directly from the account.
- You can make 5 or fewer withdrawals, including closure, each year without loss of interest. Withdrawing the annual interest added to the account will count as one withdrawal.
- If you make 6 or more withdrawals in a year, including closure, you will receive the lower rate of interest for the whole of the year.
- On closure of the account the closing balance will be sent directly to a Nationwide current account held by the account holder.
- On closure, if 5 free withdrawals have already been used, interest will be paid from the date the account was opened or the last interest payment date, whichever is most recent, to the date of closure at the lower rate.
- Requests to close the account can only be made through the Internet Banking site.
Important related links
Protecting your money
The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (opens in a new window) (FSCS) is a free, independent service that protects up to £85,000 of your eligible money at Nationwide.