After getting your loan funds

From the day after you receive your loan funds, you have 14 days in which to tell us you want to withdraw from your agreement.

From the day after you tell us you'd like to withdraw, you have 30 days to return the money. You won't have to pay any interest if you return the money to us in that time. If you don't return the money within 30 days, we'll need to take steps to recover the amount you owe.

If you're struggling with your finances, find out how we can help.


You won't be able to re-open the loan once you've withdrawn from it. If you change your mind, you'll need to return all the funds borrowed. You'll then need to wait 8 days before applying for a new loan.

If it's been longer than 14 days

If it’s been more than 14 days since you received your loan, you’ll need to repay any interest owed as well as the balance of your loan. This is technically paying off your loan early.

Paying off your loan early

How to withdraw from your loan

To cancel and withdraw from your loan, you can visit a branch or call us.

